Hello out there…

Greetings faithful “followers” and a big thank you for sharing a smidgeon of my life as an artist…

I have lots and lots and lots of the Langston Hughes art card made and would like to get them out into the world.

If you are so inclined, I would be excited to mail some to you for you to drop around your neighborhood.  No big commitment, no exceedingly high expectations, not another stressful task for your already too-busy life…

…just trust me with you address and I’ll send you an envelope (you will need to check your mail, but you’re probably already doing that).  Then, just drop the cards wherever you are normally going…the store, work, on the sidewalk as you are walking….wherever.

No stress, no hassle…just fun!

Feel free to contact me here and we’ll work out the details.

Peace, love and creativity!


Lots and lots of “There is always something to be thankful for” cards went out before the holiday – mostly in and around displays for commonly purchased Thanksgiving items.  How many?  No clue and it is still bugging me not to count them.   I haven’t given in, but I’ve really wanted to.  Trying to remember to keep the focus on the cards and not me.

Lots of bird cards are on their way to California shortly via a new found accomplice.  He is carrying them in his magical Mary Poppin’s backpack as he makes his way to the west coast.  We shall see if anyone finds them and shares their discovery.


A new card is going out into the world for November.  No picture today because I’ve managed to lock myself out of my email account and I’m just not in the mood to deal with customer service reps, the computer or much of anything else.

I’m in the mood to snuggle on the couch with my youngest daughter while watching a British mystery and making more cards.

So, the new card is in honor of Thanksgiving and says:  “There is always something to be thankful for.”

I chose this for the new card because the saying has served me well in the last few weeks.  I don’t know where I first heard it, but many, many times it has resonated in my head.

When we had car trouble (repeatedly) and were struggling to get everyone in the family where they needed to be, when they needed to be there – I was thankful that the trouble was repairable, that we had a car to fix in the first place and had most of the resources we needed to solve the problem.

And when most of my chicken flock was killed in a raccoon attack, I was thankful that two survived so we will still have fresh eggs.

I could go on, but you get the idea.  When circumstances aren’t going my way and when life isn’t the way I wish it would be, it’s helpful for me to consider that there is always something to be thankful for.  It’s a choice I’m trying to make a habit of.  The choice to look on the bright side and to live in gratitude.

These cards are going out in the Austin, TX area and around the Texas Renaissance Festival thanks to a new friend who is helping share the cards.

What’s Important & How to Count It

lightbulb_coloring_pageI wanted to pop in for a moment and share a lightbulb moment that I had this morning.  A bright idea, you might say.

I was sharing some cards that I worked on last night and happened to notice the number that was on the back.  Way back, when I first started this project, I thought it might be cool to number each card so that I could track their travels. Somewhere along the line, I lost track of the actual number of cards that I had made.  That makes the number on the card irrelevant.

I’d kinda like to know how many cards I’ve made, but then again – maybe not.  Does it really matter?  Is an accurate count of how many I’ve made reflect any sort of truth?  I’m sure some end up in the trash or lost behind a store shelving unit.  Some are aging quietly in the back of someone’s junk drawer or lost under the seat of a car mouldering away with discarded fast food wrappers.

I imagine that some might be stuck to a refrigerator door with a pizza delivery magnet and maybe one or two are stuck on a cubicle wall in someone’s office.

How many really doesn’t matter, does it?  It’s not a true measure of worth or value.  It’s just an attempt to reassure myself that the project is important.  Kind of like keeping track of church membership or weekly worship attendance.  We struggle to assign a numerical value to our efforts.  To validate our work and endeavors.  But, numbers are false indicators in most cases.  Being counted in church on Sunday doesn’t mean you benefitted from the attendance and having a thousand members in your church doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing a better job than the church with 25 folks.

In the past I’ve bought into this numbers game.  More is most always better…more money, more cars, more shoes, more friends….

I going to try to work on this – to try and stop trying to count “value”.  Hundreds of cards or thousands?  What matters is the one card that finds the right person at the right time.

After this batch is out, there will be no more numbers.  No more trying to keep track of what a good job I’m doing or failing to do.

Just cards.  Just art.  Just sharing.


So, the surprise/gift/hand-made “thing” is happening.  I’ve figured out what I’m making and have all the stuff I need.  I’ve had some folks sign up and am prepared if a sudden stampede of excited readers throw their name and address into the fray.

Just one little detail left to work out – I’m not a big fan of snails so the term “snail-mail” doesn’t really work for me.  And I feel like I need a catchy name for this little endeavor.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here is a re-cap.  I’ve been inspired by Mary at Uncustomary Art to offer a modest hand-made gift to be sent out to you in the regular mail service.  All you’ve got to do is email me your actual address so I can send it to you.  This is a free, no-strings offer because I like to make stuff  and I’m on a de-cluttering binge so I can’t keep everything I make.  Plus, I like to give gifts, so this seems like a win-win situation.

Anyway, back to the name…   Since unearthed art is the name and idea behind this blog, I might stick with that.  We’ll have to see what I come up with.  I know you’ll be waiting in breathless anticipation for the outcome.

Please let me know if you’d like a little bit o’ art.  Deadline to let me know is Wednesday, July 15th.


IMAG0769New cards are ready.  I’m not a big fan of them, but it’s been a tough week and I’m not in the brightest of spirits.

I’m just going to read the damn card and try to believe it myself.

I am enough.  The card is enough.

I’m older and wise enough to know that this mood will pass (as will the rain) and the sunshine will come out again soon.

Blessings on your day.