
So, I got some positive and encouraging response to my last post. Positive and encouraging is always a good thing!

I’ve decided to start making the art cards again even though I have a jarful already made. I enjoy the process and it’s a way to add more mindfulness to my day which I struggle with. I’m not great (yet) at sitting and thinking and just “being”. I tend to fill my minutes with activity and to-do’s and making art cards is sort of an in-between thing between the two.

Once a quote is chosen and the basic card designed, it’s all about the paints, paper, messy hands and process – mindless and mindful at the same time. It’s a good activity for me to engage in.

It’s also partly a “product” oriented activity as I’m making something for a purpose – art to share with the world in a small way.

Process and product!

In keeping with my goal to become a zero(ish) waste household this year and to get out of debt, I’ve decided to challenge myself to only use supplies that I have on hand and can re-use and re-purpose from things that show up in my life – mail, packaging materials and the like. I’m going to make do with what I have and purchase nothing. It shouldn’t be a problem. I have a lot of supplies “hoarded” in my studio and I haven’t been working creatively for quite a while.

Hopefully, making the cards will ease me back into art-making!

I’m hopeful that these cards continue to make their way into the world and bless someone’s day…


Lots and lots of “There is always something to be thankful for” cards went out before the holiday – mostly in and around displays for commonly purchased Thanksgiving items.  How many?  No clue and it is still bugging me not to count them.   I haven’t given in, but I’ve really wanted to.  Trying to remember to keep the focus on the cards and not me.

Lots of bird cards are on their way to California shortly via a new found accomplice.  He is carrying them in his magical Mary Poppin’s backpack as he makes his way to the west coast.  We shall see if anyone finds them and shares their discovery.

A New Idea

I’d like to share a link to the site of one of my favorite people who I’ve never actually met.  She’s an inspiration to me in the way she shares her sparkle, art, and enjoyment of (and struggles with) life.  She’s got a new project started:


I messaged her and told her that I was blatantly stealing her idea.  (She said it was okay).  I’m in love with the idea of sending out real mail filled with art and fun.  I’m in the early planning stages which really just means I’ve got the idea and no actual plan at all, but it’s been a rough week or so in the world and I’m ready for something good to happen.

If you’re interested in getting on the mailing list for this art project which is as yet unnamed, you may email me your address here:

I realize that there is a bit of trust involved in sharing your address.  It’s just me at a computer in my little house.  I won’t share your address or do anything else weird with it.  I’ll just send you something nice in the mail.  I promise.

International is okay, too.  Like I said, I haven’t worked out all the details…like how I’m going to pay for it.   BUT, I believe that love, art, and nice will always find a way.  I’m just naïve that way.

I hope your day is filled with something truly awesome!



IMAG0769New cards are ready.  I’m not a big fan of them, but it’s been a tough week and I’m not in the brightest of spirits.

I’m just going to read the damn card and try to believe it myself.

I am enough.  The card is enough.

I’m older and wise enough to know that this mood will pass (as will the rain) and the sunshine will come out again soon.

Blessings on your day.

Road Trip!

This is a story about taking 346 art cards on a road trip towards East Texas.


Including this new card:


“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”  -Van Gogh

I hope a lot of small things come together for you all this weekend.

Gotta go!

Here is the World

IMAG0253Out in the world today and tomorrow:

  •      40 cards with a quote by Frederick Buechner.  This is a re-worked design of a previous card.
  •      40 more cards with the Gandhi quote.
  •      6 miscellaneous cards I had previously made, but couldn’t laminate until now (Yea for a new laminator!)
  •      42 ATC’s that I received in art card swaps.

The art cards from the swaps are beautiful and I love them, but in cleaning out my studio I found them “stored” safely away.  I made the decision to share them with the world because I remember experiencing such joy in opening up the packages when they came in the mail.  It seems selfish to hoard them when so much work, creative effort, and love went into the making of them.

The world needs more creativity, love and effort – so off they go to bless someone else!

Be the Change


Twenty-nine of the new art card series are ready to give away.

The quote, “We must become the change we wish to see”, is by Gandhi.  I’m using a variation of this quote as my “theme” for this year:  “Be the change I wish to see in my world”.

It’s a reminder that I am responsible for changing the things that I am unhappy with in my life.  Sitting around and feeling sorry for myself and worrying about my problems is pointless.  I can’t fix everything, but I can take steps to make things better.  Action trumps inaction.  Small and steady “steps” will move me in the direction I wish to go.  Sometimes it is one step forward and two steps back, but I am finding joy in the effort.

The same thing can be true out in the world.  We can change things for the better.  Not necessarily in big sweeping efforts, but in small (not insignificant) actions:  Kindness, Patience, Love, Thoughtfulness, Awareness…

Let us be the change.

Be Kind.

Thirty-seven little bits of kindness are heading out into the world tomorrow.


They were made to honor and remember my mother-in-law, Charlene Hannaford Barrow Whitley, who died on Valentine’s Day of this year.

At the funeral, the pastor commented the importance of remembering someone as a group.  We all knew her differently and were aware of varying aspects of her life.  Children certainly know their Mom in a way nobody else can.  But, we grow up and move away to start our own lives.  Mom’s life continues on.  The shared stories of family, friends, co-workers, and church family wove a complete picture of a good and kind woman.

We learned of the little things she did in her life:  some we knew about, some we didn’t.  The friends she let live with her when they had nowhere else to go, the mission trips, the checks she wrote to fund projects, and the wonderful memories she created with so many.  She did so much that she kept quiet about – doing it because it was the right thing to do, not because she wanted the attention.

These cards are being sent out as new threads in the weaving that was and continues to be her legacy, her life.

Charlene was a good and kind woman and I can’t think of higher praise for anyone.  It’s how I hope to be remembered and I’ll try to live in her example.

I loved her very much.